M84 and M86 are a pair of elliptical galaxies at the heart of the Virgo galaxy cluster. I begin the hop to this grouping at 2nd magnitude Denebola in Leo. A T-shaped asterism of five 5th and 6th magnitude stars stands about 7.5 degrees east of Denebola. The brightest member of the asterism is 6 Comae Berenices. Slew from Denebola to the T asterism. Its wingspan is about 2-degrees and should be easily recognizeable through a 6X30 or 8X50 finder scope. The top two stars in the stem point the way to M84 and M86, 2.5 degrees to the southeast.
Spring Sky Tour: M84 & M86 (Virgo) |
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M84: SO-Type Galaxy (Virgo) RA: 12h 25.1m / DEC: +12° 53'.3 |
M86: Elliptical Galaxy (Virgo) RA: 12h 26.2m / DEC: +12° 57'.0 |
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