The Virgo Cluster


Touring the Virgo Cluster

The MegaStar chart on this page plots the galaxies in the heart of the Virgo cluster. The Virgo cluster, some 65 million light-years distant, is the closest galaxy cluster to the Local Group. Fourteen galaxies are plotted and identified. These are just the brightest of hundreds of galaxies residing in this region of the sky that can be observed with a moderate aperture telescope from dark skies. The chart is divided into 3°-by-2° sections. The chart is inverted with north at the bottom to match the view through a Newtonian reflector.

Each galaxy ID is a hyperlink to a page featuring a sketch and observation notes for that galaxy.

The Virgo Cluster M60 M59 M58 M89 M90 M91 M88 M87 M84 & M86 M99 M98 M100 M85

Running the Messier Marathon


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Revised: February 5, 2002 [WDF]