NGC 5077: Galaxy Grouping (Virgo) RA: 13h 19.5m / DEC: -12° 39'.4 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
This 11.3 magnitude elliptical galaxy covers a 2'x1'.5 area. 7.3 magnitude HD 115693 shines 8' to the west. Averted vision reveals the tiniest most delicate haze just 1' southeast of NGC 5077. This is MAC 1319-1239, estimated at 15.5 magnitude and an incredible detection in a 10-inch aperture. Two more FLS (faint little stinker) galaxies are seen 3' to the south. These are 13.8 magnitude NGC 5079 and 14.0 magnitude NGC 5076. NGC 5076 is 5' due south of NGC 5077. Two more galaxies are seen in this field. NGC 5088 occupies the northeast corner. This 13.2 (P) magnitude barred spiral runs north-south covering a 2'x0'.5 area. A 13th magnitude glows dimly some 3' to the northeast. Tucked away in the northwest corner, 14.5 magnitude NGC 5072 features a stellar core region embedded within a 30"x20" nebulosity. It stands adjacent a 14th magnitude star. 9.3 magnitude SAO 157852 shines about 6' due north. 7.9 magnitude HD 115799 blazes away some 7' to the northeast. Another 23 stars dot the field. |
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