M85 and NGC 4394 are featured in the sketch at left, which renders the view in my 10-inch, f/4.5 Newtonian at 129X. M85 is offset to the west. This 9.1 magnitude SO-type galaxy appears as a 5'x3' oval with a stellar nucleus. A 13th magnitude foreground star is superposed 1' north of the nucleus. NGC 4394, a 10.8 magnitude SB-type galaxy, is seen about 8' due east. A delicate misty haze, this galaxy covers a 2'x1' area. 10.4 magnitude PPM 129045 is the brightest star in the field, near the southeast edge of M85, and NGC 4147 is located about 3.5 degrees to the west.
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Layout, design & revisions © W. D. Ferris
Comments and Suggestions: wdferris1@gmail.com
Revised: January 25, 2003 [WDF]