NGC 2362 "Tau Canis Major Cluster": Open Star Cluster (Canis Major) RA: 07h 18.7m / DEC: -24° 57'.3 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
My drawing presents NGC 2362 as viewed at 129X in the Starfinder. A crisp white beacon of light at the eyepiece of my 10-inch, Tau is surrounded by a host of fainter stars as shown in the sketch at left. Among these, is a closely formed trio of faint stars immediately east of Tau. Seven arc minutes due east, 6.8 magnitude HD 57192 stands sentry at the edge of the field. An equal distance to the west is 9.2 magnitude PPM 727417. In between, lie more than 60 stars huddled around Tau Canis Majoris. NGC 2362 is 6' in diameter, according to Archinal, so most of the stars in my sketch are members. |
Instrument: 18-inch Obsession |
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