This large, faint planetary nebula is a challenging target for moderate aperture. It's as much a test of your observing site as it is of your observing skills. Don't expect to see Jones-Emberson 1 under light-polluted skies with any aperture. But under the dark, transparent skies of northern Arizona, this gossamer cloud is visible in my 10-inch Newtonian. The sketch at left presents the view at 63X. The spot is marked by a four-star asterism, which looks something like a backwards rendition of Corvus, the crow. This grouping stands just inside the east boundary of the field. Close inspection reveals the northwest corner star of the grouping to be a triple. The star at the southwest corner is 9.1 magnitude HD 65120.
Jones-Emberson 1 (JoEr 1) is visible with the aid of a UHC or OIII filter. While the nebula remains unchanged when switching between the two, the UHC does show slightly fainter stars. The planetary is roughly centered. Its 6' diameter glow appears uniform and without detail in my 10-inch. Larger scopes reveal bright knots within an annulus. A 13th magnitude GSC star peaks through the nebulosity along the northern edge of JoEr 1, with an 11th magnitude GSC star another 6' to the north-northwest. 9.0 magnitude HD 64348 stands sentry along the northern field boundary. Another 25 field stars complete the view. Look for JoEr 1 about 2.5 degrees northwest of 4.8 magnitude 27 Lyncis. |