NGC 7635 "Bubble Nebula": Emission Nebula (Cassiopeia) RA: 23h 20.7m / DEC: +61° 12'.0 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
HD 220057 is nearly centered in the drawing. NGC 7635 runs northwest-to-southeast across a 14'x4' area. It appears brightest around SAO 20575, the 9th magnitude star mentioned above. This is an extremely delicate nebula. The greater portion, visible with averted vision, extends northwest from SAO 20575 for a distance of about 9', terminating near a faint double star. A 4' stretch of the nebula reaches southeat to 10th magnitude GSC 4279:0219. The namesake feature of this emission nebula is not visible in the 10-inch. Fifteen additional field stars frame the view. |
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