NGC 6992 "Veil Nebula (East)": Supernova Remnant (Cygnus) RA: 20h 56.3m / DEC: +31° 41'.8 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
The arc covers roughly an 80'x25' area and is framed by nearly 50 stars, many in the 11th and 12th magnitude range. The brightest portion is the elongtated northerly section. The opposite end features a pair of slender fingers of nebulosity, giving the whole structure the appearance of a skeletal arm with a bony hand reaching toward some unseen objective. It's not the romantic picture conjured by the popular name for this object, but does render a more accurate likeness. While you're in the area, have a gander at Pickering's Wedge, a triangular patch of this ancient supernova remnant located about 1.8 degrees west of NGC 6992. |
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