Begin your starhop to NGC 6337 at the 1.6 magnitude stinger in the tail of the scorpion, otherwise known as Lambda (35) Scorpii. Slew about 2.5 degrees to the west-southwest and you're there. The sketch at left presents a 190X view in my 10-inch equatorial Newtonian. I achieve this magnification by coupling a Meade 18-mm SWA eyepiece with the TeleVue 3X Barlow. This combination produces a 1.33-mm exit pupil, which is perfect for small, bright deep-sky objects. The nearly 1' diameter annulus centered in my drawing is NGC 6337. This 11.9 (P) magnitude planetary nebula reminds me of a delicate smoke ring hanging silently amidst the stars. The 12th magnitude sparkler just inside the northern edge of the ring is a foreground object, NGC 6337's 14.9 magnitude central star lost in its glare. Another 30 stars frame the subject. |