Few sights are as awe inspiring as seeing a true galaxy cluster. To see a handful of star cities contained within a single eyepiece field gives one a sense of both the vastness and the fragility of the universe. The sketch at left presents the Coma galaxy cluster as it appears in my 10-inch Meade Starfinder Newtonian. The cluster, located 2.5 degrees west of 4.2 magnitude Beta (43) Comae Berenices, lies about 300 million light-years from Earth. MegaStar plots more than 50 galaxies within a 2-degree radius of the brightest members, NGC 4874 and NGC 4889. My drawing, made at 129X, shows ten galaxies within a 30' diameter field.
11.6 magnitude NGC 4874 is visible just east of center. Its 2'.5x2'.0 glow is aligned east-to-west. A 12th magnitude GSC star marks the spot. NGC 4864, a 13.6 magnitude class 2 elliptical galaxy, is glimpsed some 5' to the east. HD 112887 stands 6' to the north of NGC 4874. HD 112886 is another 10' to the north. Two faint galaxies are visible northeast of HD 112887. The first, lieing 3' from the 7.2 magnitude star, is NGC 4865. NGC 4860 lies another 4' along the same line. Both weigh in at a scant 13.6 magnitude.
NGC 4889, an 11.5 magnitude elliptical galaxy, casts a soft glow just 7' west of NGC 4874. Its 2'.0X1'.5 form is arranged along a northwest-southeast line. 13.5 magnitude NGC 4898, 2'.5 to the west-southwest, blinks in-and-out with averted vision. IC 4051 is a 13.2 magnitude elliptical galaxy standing 10' west of NGC 4874.
Finally, three galaxies are gathered along the northwest field boundary. These include 13.6 magnitude NGC 4881, which lies 5'.5 west of 8.2 magnitude HD 112886. NGC 4885 is a 13.2 magnitude SO-type galaxy positioned 5' west-southwest from NGC 4881. Just inside the northwest field boundary with a 12th magnitude GSC star stuck in its side is NGC 4907, a 13.5 magnitude stellar metropolis. This field presents a good deep-sky challenge for observers with moderate aperture. |