NGC 4340 & NGC 4350: Galaxy Pair (Coma Berenices) RA: 12h 23.8m / DEC: +16° 42'.6 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
Despite its absence from the official Atronomical League Herschel 400 list, I have chosen to include NGC 4340 among my observations. Sir William Herschel did observe this galaxy. In my opinion, it is far more impressive than nearby NGC 4350, which is included in the official list. Adding NGC 4340 allowed me to maintain an even 400 objects in the absence of NGC 2372 and NGC 6882. NGC 2372 is a duplicate observation of NGC 2371. NGC 6882 is a duplicate observation of NGC 6885. I added NGC 4039 to compensate for the second object dropped from the official list. The sketch at left presents a 129X view in my 10-inch Newtonian. NGC 4340 is the larger of the pair. This 11.2 magnitude galaxy covers a 3'x2' area and is aligned nearly east-west. The 60"x45" core features a stellaring at the center. NGC 4350 lies 5'.4 to the east. This 11.0 magnitude galaxy is elongated north-south and covers a 3'x1' area. It also displays a stellar core in the 10-inch. A 10th magnitude GSC stands 11' north of NGC 4340 just inside the field boundary. A pair of 10th and 11th magnitude GSC stars, 11' south of NGC 4350, guard the opposite boundary. |
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