NGC 4216: Spiral Galaxy (Virgo) RA: 12h 15.9m / DEC: +13° 09'.0 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
The sketch at left shows four distant galaxies, star cities like the Milky Way, as viewed at 63X in my 10-inch Starfinder Newtonian. NGC 4216, one of over 100 galaxies in the Herschel 400 list, is positioned nearest the east field boundary. This 10.0 magnitude SAB-type galaxy ranges over a 5'x1' area and is viewed nearly edge-on. NGC 4206, 12' to the southwest, is a 12.1 magnitude spiral stretched 4'x0'.5 along a north-south axis. NGC 4189 is an 11.7 magnitude spiral galaxy visible near the northern field boundary. It covers a 90" diameter area and is aligned nearly face-on. NGC 4193, 15' due south and similar in size, is a 12.3 magnitude spiral also viewed nearly face-on. |
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