NGC 2237 "Rosette Nebula" & NGC 2244: Emission Nebula & Open Star Cluster (Monoceros) RA: 06h 31.9m / DEC: +04° 56'.9 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
My sketch was made using a 32 mm TeleVue Plossl fitted with Lumicon's OIII filter, a combination producing a 1.4 degree true field at 36X in my 10-inch Newtonian. The drawing is centered on NGC 2244 and features the nine brightest members. Another 50 or so stars are shown to anchor the field. The nebulosity has an overall mottled appearance that reminds me of a blooming rose. The field cannot contain the delicate glow of this stellar nursery, which spills across the border to the north and west. |
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