NGC 1087 is one of three galaxies presented in the drawing at left. NGC 1087 is the brightest of the trio with visual magnitude of 11.0. This Sc-type galaxy appears as a 3' diameter oval with three 10th and 11th magnitude stars aligned along its eastern border. 11.8 magnitude NGC 1090 shines about 15' to the north. This barred spiral covers a 3'x2' area and is oriented along an east-west axis. A 12th magnitude GSC star is seen 3, to the north. Finally, NGC 1094 is visible just inside the eastern edge of the eyepiece field about 14' east of NGC 1090. This small 1' diameter spiral has a photographic magnitude of 13.4, which indicates a visual magnitude of around 12.5. These three make a fine grouping in a telescope with moderate aperture. They reside about 1 degree east-southeast from the bright Seyfert galaxy, M77. |