June 6, 2001, 08:15 UT Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
This is my first serious observation of Mars this apparition. The seeing is OK but nothing to write home about. However I'm still getting the most detail at 388X. The image is softer but the increased image scale compensates. Sinus Meridiani and Sinus Sabaeus are the most prominent features in the southern hemisphere. Sinus Sabaeus reaches across the face of the planet nearly to the central meridian (CM). Sinus Meridiani has an oval dusky appearance with an irregular boxy feature along the north edge. A large dark feature wrapping around Sinus Sabaeus to the south is a seamless joining of several albedo features: Margaritifer Sinus, Mare Erythraeum, Vulcani Pelagus and Noachis. Limb haze is visible along an arc from the south polar region toward the following (west) limb. Mare Acidalius and Achillis Pons are rising in the northern hemisphere. Chryse is overlaid by clouds as is the region immediately north of Mare Acidalius. |
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