April 19, 1999 06:30 UT Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
This night, I am observing the same face of Mars as was seen April 18. My 10-inch Starfinder is providing an excellent view at 388X. The seeing has improved. Hellas and the North Polar Region wrap around toward the opposite hemisphere. The outline of Syrtis Major shows more irregularity and structure. The two stubs along the west side of Syrtis Major are Deltolton Sinus. Hyblaeus Extension is seen as a dark patch bordering clouds on the preceding side of Utopia. Lemuria, Uchronia, Cecropia and Ortygia merge to form a collar around the NPR. This is a much more subtle contrast feature than Syrtis Major. Utopia is visible rotated toward the preceding side of this collar. Nodus Alcyonius is intermittently seen during moments of good seeing. Mare Acidalium is just peaking over the following limb in the northern hemisphere, giving this limb a higher contrast appearance. Clouds reach across the morning side limb in shallow arcs. |
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