M98: Spiral Galaxy (Coma Berenices) RA: 12h 13.8m / DEC: +14° 54'.0 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
I use a T-shaped asterism just east of Denebola as the starting point for my hops through the Virgo cluster. Denebola is the 2.1 magnitude star marking the tail of the lion. The T-asterism of five 5th and 6th magnitude stars is 7.3 degrees due east. M98 resides half-a-degree west of 6 Comae Berenices, the western star in the T-asterism. 5.0 magnitude 6 Com is pictured in the sketch at left, just inside the eastern field boundary. At 82X in the 10-inch, M98 presents as a nebulous patch elongated NW to SE over a 7'x2' area. NGC 4186, 11' southeast of M98, is a 12.5 magnitude spiral galaxy. M98 has a modest surface brightness of 22.5 magnitudes per square arc second. Click on the button to see a map of the Virgo cluster. |
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