M81 & M82: Galaxy Pair (Ursa Major) |
M81 and M82 were the first galaxies I observed with my 10-inch Meade Starfinder equatorial Newtonian. The star hop may not seem particularly easy but is definitely worth the effort. I begin at 1.8 magnitude Dubhe in the bowl of the Big Dipper. A triangular arrangement of 5th and 6th magnitude stars is about one finder scope field (4 degrees) to the northwest. Slewing another 4 degrees north, an elongated triangular grouping of 6th magnitude stars comes into view. This asterism points the way to M81 and M82, about 3.5 degrees west. M81 is usually first to come into view. Both can be seen in an 8X50 finder. M82 is about half-a-degree north of M81. |
M81: Spiral Galaxy (Ursa Major) RA: 09h 55.6m / DEC: +69° 04'.0 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
M82: Irregular Galaxy (Ursa Major) RA: 09h 55.9m / DEC: +69° 40'.9 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
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