M44 "Beehive": Open Star Cluster (Cancer) RA: 08h 40.4m / DEC: +19° 40'.0 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
The origin of the moniker, Beehive, is somewhat of a mystery. This cluster has been known since antiquity due to its obvious visibility to the naked eye. Praesepe, or manger, is the oldest known common name for M44. The best candidate I can offer as the originator of "Beehive," is Admiral William Henry Smyth. A retired officer of the Royal Navy, Smyth used a 6-inch refractor to observe a variety of deep-sky objects during the 1830s. His popular 1844 text, Cycle of Celestial Objects, includes "Bee hive" as a name for the Praesepe. This is the earliest use of that moniker I've found. |
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