M31 "Andromeda Galaxy," M32 and M110: Galaxy Group (Andromeda) RA: 00h 42.7m / DEC: +41° 16'.1 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
M31 is a member of the Local Group, a gravitationally bound cluster of 35 galaxies that includes our very own Milky Way. The Andromeda Galaxy may be the largest member. If it's not, it is second only to the Milky Way Galaxy. M31 resides in Andromeda, 1.3 degrees west of 4.5 magnitude Nu Andromedae. M31 is easily visible to the naked eye from a dark site as a finger smudge against the starry sky. The galaxy stretches across three degrees of sky or the equivalent of six full Moons strung out in a line. I prefer the view through wide field instruments such as binoculars or a short focal length refractor. My sketch displays the view through a 10-inch, f/4.5 Newtonian at 36X. The true field of view is about 90 arc minutes. M31 is visible as a swath of nebulosity cutting a path northeast to southwest through the field. It features a stellar nuclear region within a 15'x6' core. This is encased within the glow of more than 200 thousand-million stars appearing as a gauzy halo spilling beyond the boundaries of the eyepiece. M32, a satellite galaxy, is visible about 20' south of M31. M32 is a magnitude 8.0 elliptical galaxy, 4' in diameter, with a bright core. M110 is seen just inside the northern edge of the field. This elliptical galaxy covers a 15'x6' area and is the most difficult of the three to detect. |
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