September 21, 1999 06:40 UT Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
The sketch at left captures the view at 388X and 247X in my 10-inch Starfinder Newtonian. The Great Red Spot (GRS) is setting along the preceding (East) limb, about 75 minutes after transiting the central meridian (CM). The GRS features the usual orange-tinted oval just inside its southern border. A string of white ovals or disruptions are visible within the South Equatorial Belt (SEB). These begin inside the northern border of the SEB just west of the GRS and extended in a southwesterly direction before terminating inside the southern border of the SEB at a system II longitude of ~115 degrees. A rift running the length of the SEB, separating this belt into northern (SEBn) and southern (SEBs) sections, begins at a Sys II longitude of 120 degrees and terminates at the following (West) limb. The SEBs appears twice the thickness of the SEBn. A trio of white ovals is visible within the South Temperate Belt (STB). The middle oval looks smaller than the flanking pair. This grouping is situated between the GRS and the CM. Just a few arc seconds west of this trio, a narrow pale rift begins and extends west to the following limb. The North Equatorial Belt (NEB) appears quite active with several swells visible along its borders. A dark garland originates along the NEB at a Sys II longitude of 105 degrees, reaches into the Equatorial Zone (EZ) at a shallow angle and connects to the Equatorial Belt (EB) at a Sys II longitude of 135 degrees. A rift angles northwesterly through the NEB. This feature originates along the southern border at a Sys II longitude of 140 degrees and terminates at the southern border at a Sys II longitude of 150 degrees. A loop festoon along the NEB southern border is centered along a Sys II longitude of 155 degrees. A second rift within the NEB, this one running the length of the belt, originates at a Sys II longitude of 155 degrees and extends over the following limb. The North and South Polar Regions are dusky in appearance. |
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