Undoubtedly, the most observed object in Hercules is the great globular star cluster, M13. And many deep-sky enthusiasts have tracked down the bright galaxy just half a degree to the northeast, NGC 6207. Few, however, have managed to snag this faint, little galaxy. IC 4617 lies between M13 and NGC 6207. My sketch records a 272X view in the 18-inch Obsession. The 14.6 magnitude spiral appears nearly edge-on and 1'.2x0'.4 in size. Aligned roughly north-south, IC 4617 is stationed adjacent to a parallelogram asterism of four 13th and 14th magnitude stars. A 13th mag. GSC star is seen 5' to the north just inside the field boundary. A pair of 11th mag. stars are among the brightest in a small group south of the galaxy. With a radial velocity of nearly 11,000 kilometers per second, IC 4617 is estimated to reside nearly 550 million light-years from Earth. |