B33 "Horsehead Nebula": Dark Nebula (Orion) RA: 05h 40.7m / DEC: -02° 27'.0 Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
The Horsehead is located 31' south of Alnitak, the easternmost star in Orion's belt. NGC 2024, an emission nebula with a wide dark channel running north-south through the middle, should be visible about 15' east of Alnitak. This is the Flame nebula and is sometimes mistaken for the Horsehead. If you can't see the Flame nebula, don't even bother with the Horsehead. Both Alnitak and the Flame nebula are outside the field of view in the sketch at left, which presents an 82X view in my 10-inch Newtonian. Twenty-three arc minutes southeast of Alnitak, NGC 2023 is visible as an island of nebulosity surrounding 7.8 magnitude HD 37903. IC 434, a corridor of north-south running nebulosity is just barely visible west of NGC 2023. The Horsehead is located 15' southwest of HD 37903. It appears as a notch of darker sky within IC 434. To say the Horsehead is subtle would be a gross understatement. The Horsehead is framed by a handful of 12th magnitude GSC stars forming a "stair step" asterism. You can use these to identify the field. When you go after the Horsehead, look first for the Flame nebula and NGC 2023. If they're not visible, the Horsehead won't be. Then look for IC 434. Same deal, if it's not seen, don't bother trying for the Horsehead. Then, look for those five stars that frame the Horsehead. Once you know where to look, finding an object becomes much easier. An H-beta filter will enhance IC 434 and make the Horsehead easier to detect. Good luck. |
Instrument: 18-inch Obsession |
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