August 19, 1998 8:50 UT Instrument: 10-inch Starfinder |
Ring sections A, B and C are plainly visible. The inner C ring displays a charcoal grey coloration. The B and A rings are separated crisply by Cassini's division. Saturn's shadow is visible against the southern side of the rings. The bright EZ gives way to a dusky, broad South Equatorial Belt (SEB). The SEB yields to the South Polar Region (SPR). The northern hemisphere beyond the EZ shows a uniform dusky appearance. Dione, Tethys, Rhea and Titan are observed. Dione is near the SPR. Tethys is west of the planet. Bright Rhea and Titan are further west. The sketch at left captures the view at 292X in my 10-inch Starfinder Newtonian. |
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