One of the joys of deep-sky observing is running across something new and unexpected while observing an object. Often, a little time spent sweeping the vicinity of your target will turn up some treasure. For example, NGC 1072 is a little spiral galaxy hiding under a rock near M77. M77 resides near 4.0 magnitude Delta Ceti, about 50' to the east-southeast. Along the way, you will probably run into NGC 1055 positioned 6' due south of a pair of mid-6th and mid-7th magnitude stars. NGC 1072 lies 23' northeast of M77. My drawing captures this spiral galaxy's appearance at 129X in the 10-inch Meade Starfinder Newtonian. The galaxy is a mere 60"x30" in dimension, aligned along a northeast-to-southwest axis, and shines faintly with a photographic magnitude of 14.2. Its visual magnitude is probably around 13.5. A magnitude 11.0 magnitude GSC star stands sentry 4' to the north. A 9th and 11th magnitude stellar pair resides 7' to the southeast. |